Misohappy blog writer Anne Sheena

I’ve been talking about this blog for a while and now it is finally here. If you’re reading this then thank you. This will be the first of many posts sharing what makes me so happy. Misohappy is about keeping my identity now that I’m a working mother of 3 growing girls and even though the life I lead can be really REALLY hard work I need to acknowledge that :

I am happy.

If you can relate to this then I hope you enjoy reading this blog and I’d love to hear about your experiences too either in the comments or through Misohappy’s social media channels.

So what makes me so happy:


It is now my third time on maternity leave and I have learnt and experienced so much since my children came into my life. There will be no more maternity leaves after this one – unless something drastically changes ;0) – and I feel ready to share the rollercoaster that is my experience as a mother, wife, friend and cat lady owner.


I love food. It plays such a core role in my life and the only reason it’s in this list after family is because it’s kind of frowned upon to love eating more than your kids… Anyway, I need food to grow, to socialise, to unwind. It’s artistic and it’s scientific. I eat food in celebration and I eat in commiseration. I literally need food to survive. My interactions with food also perfectly mirror the ups, downs, ins and outs of my life. Turns out giving up chips when gestational diabetes reared its head was harder than giving up alcohol. Who’d have thought?!

You may also guess from the name of this blog, that I am particularly fond of sushi and Asian food in general. I lived in Hong Kong as a child and the eclectic culinary experience I grew up with there stayed with me. On the flip side, when I came back to the UK for holidays we would always have afternoon tea. So essentially what I’m saying is you will probably find a disproportionate number of sushi and afternoon tea reviews here! Hurrah!


Most people that know me would probably describe me as a fashion victim rather than a trendsetter but now that I’m in my thirties I’m comfortable not caring what people think and just loving what makes me happy. Like my eating habits, my fashion sense reflects my emotional wellbeing and/or stage of life. Most of all I just love art and creativity. Fashion is one of the most accessible forms of art and provides a creative outlet for me. I also love a bargain so will be sending money saving tips everyone’s way…

…as well as the occasional laugh!